10-19-2011, 01:23 AM
Because it's the American way, everyone has the right to become part of the 1%. This 99% BS is just the lazy 49% getting in the way of the industrious 51% who are tired of paying for them.
By the way, the Rockafellers, Vanderbuilts, Morgans, Sachs..all mega rich and untouchable because of said trustfunds. The only ones getting hurt by these "progressive" taxes are those who work hard trying to become rich. The taxes are built to keep them from getting rich, it's all bogus.
Flat tax all the way, that way the 49% of peeps who don't pay taxes, pay "thier fair shair". The other 51% pay for everything allready, time for the lazy bums who don't pay anything to carry thier own weight.
Plus we need far less government spending, and I mean cut government spending by 2 plus trillion a year. Medicare, Social Security, welfare, all of it has to go, good bye. That stuff is the peoples responsability, not governments. The government takes care of national defense and infrastructure and that's it. Everything else is State, local and you.
You have the right to succeed or fail on your own merits in this country. If you succeed..AWSOME..if you don't..try again or go back to the country of orgin. It's like people forget what this country was built on..Rugged individualisim, you against the wild. People helped each other in small communities, they didn't rely on government, hell they didn't expect government to even show up.