Thread: McCain's Speech
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(#139 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
10-21-2011, 02:46 AM

Honestly those "modern countries" aren't fair in taxation and now they are on the verge of collapse because of it.

Tax must be the same % for everyone. You succeed or fail on your own merit, no one will help you one way or the other.

How is it fair if you pick 250 bushels of corn, the dude down the street picks30, another one from across town picks 20 and someone in another province doesn't do anything. Then big brother government comes in..takes 200 from you..redistributes it to everyone so you all have 50 and then keeps the rest. How willing will you be to pick 250 bushels of corn next year? bout those guys who picked 30,20 and 0 respectively? will they change?.

No, you won't succeed by punishing the successful, you have to incentivise work by allowing those who work hard to become sucessful. You want to win the superbowl, work for it.

Christ threw out Money Lenders because they were selling sacrificial animals in the temple..that's God's house not the banks. He was fine with them being outside the temple.
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