Originally Posted by TBox
On the second line you use 見せてもらい and just after the こっぴどく you use 叱られてしまい. What does it mean when you use just the stem like that?
It is the continuative form. Think of it as the more formal version of the te-form. The te-form sounds quite conversational (and Japanese-learners use it way too often.
見せてもらい = 見せてもらって
叱られてしまい = 叱られてしまって
Do ことです and ことがあります work the same as のです/んです?
No, they do not. At least the two groups are not interchangeable if that is what you are asking.
「ぼくの趣味は( )です。」
Only a noun or noun phrase can fill the ( ). The easiest way to change 切手を集める, which is a verb phrase, into a noun phrase is to add こと to it. Had I been a few years older, I would have used 切手の収集 or 切手収集.
~~ことがあります is very different from ことです. It means "There are times when ~~."
のです/んです is totally different as well. It is most often used to inform someone of something that you are sure that he did not know.