I am a black guy, a student of zoology at the Unitesity of Lagos, Nigeria, i'm still 18 years old, born on april 9 1993.. I'll finish my BSc in 2015, i'll be 22years old at that time.. I have that dream to live in japan, but i'm afraid if i come, they would not like me because i'm an african.

i would go there without my parents who is living in lagos! So i need love from you guys because japan is very far from home! I have been learning nihongo for the past 2months now, but i can only write in romaji. I want to marry a japanese girl cause they are cute, submissive and intelligent! I want to have half african half asian kids.. I can raise money for these things to happen but i need love from you nihonjin because i am a gaijin. I have so many japanese friends on facebook that help me with my japanese. Please you guys should give me advice. please!