Thread: Help Please!!!
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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10-28-2011, 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
And so would I. It's pretty cool.

I have been wondering about this for many years but when there is writing on a T-shirt, Westerners seem to take it as a message even if it is in a foreign language they cannot read. Japanese usually do not as they only take it as design when it is in a foreign language.

Has anyone noticed this difference?
Yes, which perfectly explains why I criticize Americans wearing Japanese message T shirts (and tattoos) without knowing the message for sure, but I don't criticize Japanese for the same thing. Our mentality in America is to have a cool message. I have always thought Japanese used foreign languages more for aesthetics than for the message itself. Hence Engrish.

I mean, it's not for want of access to skilled English speakers that the richest pop stars in the country have erroneous English in their songs!

You summed up very accurately the phenomenon.
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