the ultimate struggle? -
10-30-2011, 09:51 PM
If you ask a Westerner, "What is the ultimate struggle in life?", he or she might answer, "That would be, the struggle between good and evil."
If you asked a Japanese person the same question, would you get the same answer, or what would be a more likely answer from such a person?
Please don't argue that 'nobody knows'. I'm thinking of generally well-known concepts and answers that a majority of the people could be counted upon to agree that such and such is a good answer.
This one really got me to thinking, the Asian mind does not always see things the same ways as the Western mind. You can toss words around and say, "What do you mean by 'Western' or 'Asian' mind, or "And what do you mean by 'good and evil'?"
But when you get a group, or have been around Westerners or Japanese as groups, you pick up a thing or two over time. So it would seem to me, there's got to be a few good answers that a majority of Japanese would readily agree on.