Originally Posted by delacroix01
In this one, you said I could read it as その目はだれの目?を手招く, so I pretended that there was a は and assumed that 痛ましい景色は口元を歪めて and その目だれの目?を手招く are two parts of a compound sentence, and so far I can only think of them this way.
What I had meant to say (but failed to explain fully) was that 「その目だれの目?」 should be treated as a noun, which is why it can precede the を. It serves as the object for the verb 手招く. I was trying to say that,
within the casual phrase (and noun) 「その目だれの目?」, 「は」 was being omitted as far as the grammar used in it.
The latter part has the same structure, but since その目だれの目 in this case is the object, would the relation between その目 and だれの目 be like 背きたい道順 and 愚かなる願い?
No, it would not. 「その目だれの目?」 cannot be separated in the middle.
Also, may I read the verse like this?
背きたい道順 愚かなる願いがその目だれの目?を呼び込む