Hi everyone,
im a geek wanna be ,lol from morocco, and i stumbled lately on a formidable free pinball game, not only a game, it include all the tools to create one yourself, as i do infography for a living, it was the perfect tool to fill my free time and give back to the community.
so the first table i created ( not really just themed=graphics & sounds) was 1 about Akira my favorite anime, so i wanted to share it here, & may be get some Japanese folks to be interested and may be get involved more to create pinballs of their favorite anime (already seen one about K-on & one on Matsune)
anyway there in a good forum with a good community where to share, make, & get help to make your own PB , i'm looking forward of what your creations will be like
with no more delay,& here is 2 preview shots of the modded table
& here is the link to the
of cource you will need to download the original futur pinball program here=>
Future Pinball its free.
after you installed the program, u simply need to put the file inside the archive in the tables folder inside the futur pinball location on your hard disk
the link to my post in the forum in question is
enjoy ! hope i will hear from u soon