Thread: Introductions
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(#793 (permalink))
tollitamas (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 2
Join Date: Nov 2011
No surprise - simple introduction - 11-02-2011, 11:10 AM

Hello all, as my first activity on this forum (apart from registering, of course) I intorduce myself to the community.

Name: Tamas
Coming to you from: Hungary
First Breath: January 1976 (yes, I'm THAT old)
[/b][BIntentions and whatnot:[/b] To keep my brain tuned and have a distinct caharacteristic in case I get to the workforce market.
Why do you want to go to Japan: To get surrounded by the culture, which I appreciate so much. I like the Japanese work ethic and the military ethic, as well (not the cruelty side, though) and in the long run I'd like to work for a Japanese company interacting with native Japanese on a daily routine.
Favourite Manga/Anime: None. Actually after passing the N4 level JLPT last December I decided to have an off year and not attempt level N3 in 2011. Instead I ordered 5 books (mostly works by contemporary Japanese authors) and then got hold of another 30. I'm now over the 1st and reading the 2nd and enjoy every moment of it.

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