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crime60 (Offline)
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Thumbs up Liked it, shared it... - 11-02-2011, 06:39 PM

A tale,,,,

A King order to starve some wild, untamed, savage DOGs and lock them in a big cage,,, His idea was to execute the bad subordinates & underlings serving him by throwing them in the cage with the DOGs. One day one of his ministers gave him a wrong suggestion that led to a bad decision to be made by the King... the King then ordered that the Minister is to be executed,,, the Minister asked from the king to give him at least 10 days before the execution to prepare himself for it... " I served you for ten years your Majesty, please, at least allow me ten days to properly prepare for my death"... The King then accepted his request " for the appropriate approach, I grant you the ten days you asked for ".....
The minister then took off and headed to the executre, gave him vacation.. the executer went home for vacation, thinking in the back of his mind " one less job to do"...
Ten days passed,,, the execution of the Minister was announced, public gathered to witness the execution,,, the TIME came, the King, the public, the executer all there... the Minister was brought and thrown into the execution cage for the dogs to do the rest...
Moments of silence passed,,, all were amaized when they saw the savage dogs running to the Minister, and at the point where he was standing the dogs stayed under him with complete subjection and respect....
The King " what did you do to the dogs?!!!"
The Minister " I served them for ten days and they didn't forget that,,, and I served under YOU for the past ten years and you threw me to the dogs"!!!!....

Conclude the obvious conclusion

"work for your world and living like you will forever live, and work for your hereafter like you'll die tomorrow"
Mohamed (P.B.U.H)
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