cupcake ~ ♥
Posts: 65
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Konohagakure
11-03-2011, 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Kandierain15
I noticed,, that like a year ago, I started a thread just like this. And well,, seeing as it's a new year, now people, I decided to make it again.
What kind of things are you doing for Halloween this year? If any?
Trick or treating?
Handing out candy?
Partying? : D
Are ya'll dressing up or anything?
If so, as what?
I'm curious. =3
Me and my roommate invited some of our friends over. We watched scary movies and ate sweets, since Halloween was on a Monday this year and we all had 8am classes the next day. :3

花 鳥 風 月~ ♥