Originally Posted by hitotsz
Yes. Thank you. What would be the difference between いますか and いるんですか?
「韓国人の友達はいますか?」「韓国人の友達はいるん ですか?」
--Not very different but the latter sounds a bit conversational to me. Hmm...the former sounds like just asking 'Do you have any Korean friends?' and the other one sounds a bit like '(You have Japanese friends, and) how about Korean friends? Do you have any friends from Korea?'
btw if you use が instead of は、like 「韓国人の友達がいるんですか?」, it'd sound like '(Oh, so) you have a Korean friend?', like you're confirming or guessing from what someone has just said. We don't say 「韓国人の友達がいますか?」.
You can also say 「韓国人の友達はいる(の)?」and「韓国人の友達がい るの?」in daily conversations. These are not polite forms.