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DragonNL (Offline)
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11-04-2011, 02:00 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
It's difficult to become the most powerful nation on earth, when all you have is a nation full of fat, lazy, dishonerable people. Japan thought that was what the USA was like back in the 40's...They learned how wrong that was. Just as Bin laden ( who rot's in hell) learned as well.
If you think Osama Bin Laden deserves to rot in hell I suggest you first take a look at your own presidents.
People should learn how to look past the western propaganda media.

Harry Truman gave one single press release after the US murdered 200,000 people in Hiroshima. It's a military base, he said. And they were done with it. Obama's however been skiing slalom through all his bungling lies about Abbottabad and he can't seem to get his story straight. The people in the USA don't need more hints than that: Barry trying to find the winning lie and failing miserably every time.

This same 'Okey Dokey' president flew to Oslo Norway to accept the tribute of the Nobel Peace Prize even as he escalated another in a long line of wars of aggression and shoved off an additional 30,000 grunts to killing fields.

Does that leave an impression on the people in the US? Hardly. They congregate outside 1600 and cheer the murder of someone in a place so far away they can't even find it on a map. The final scenes of 1984 come to mind. But Winston Smith and Julia had to be tortured to conform; the people in the US are much much easier to fool.
In regard to Japan. Does it really matter if Japan has their military back or not? The're not looking for trouble so they get no trouble.

He drew a circle that shut me out --
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in.

Last edited by DragonNL : 11-04-2011 at 02:05 AM.
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