Originally Posted by masaegu
I do not mind but I want you to know that I neither read manga nor watch pro-wrestling, so I had to google a lot to answer them.
Roger that. But I can say your answers help me a lot, and I really appreciate that. I have never been to Japan, plus my knowledge in the Japanese culture is very limited, so I still don't know much about googling in Japanese. I find it challenging since some manga and light novel authors seem to enjoy pro-wrestling so much that they feature it in their work, while foreigners like me know very little about it. Having extra information from a native speaker is always better than having no clue at all.
Both appear to be the names of pro-wrestling attacks. I think the first one is
"Captured" but I cannot confirm it anywhere. The second one is Kido Clutch, which was invented by a Japanese wrestler named Kido.
Thanks a lot. This helped me successfully find it on wikipedia (キャプチュード=> Capture suplex or Capchude)
BUT 民明書房 is an imaginary publishing company that seems to be used a lot in manga.
Thanks for letting me know this piece of information. I'm awared that this manga is highly cultural, but the author still keeps surprising me with the amount of jargon he uses in the story.
So this is how magazine names are often written in Japanese. I didn't know they are shortened that much.
I have no more to ask today. Thank you again.