Oh, man, I do not have enough time, let alone any free time. The further I go the more I have to learn. It dangerous as quick sand and as addictive as *reach out here to the depths of your soul and find the most addictive thing you can come up with*.
On top of that, I launched a new site
www.shodopedia.com , for which I wrote 300 articles (it is merely a beginning), and now I am preparing photos for it. Then, all 3 sites will be linked together providing an extensive calligraphy database (about 1500 links). Currently, I think I wrote over 100,000 words long text for all sites. On a side note, if you have a look in shodopedia, type "A" in a seach box and click search, as we are still working on the easy to navigate menu.
Then I have my daily studies to do - a day without a brush is like a broken pencil...pointless ; two calligraphy exhibits to prepare to, more articles to write, and 5 other sites and forums pay attention to, and my book to finish. When I am done with that then I have to spent at least an hour a day on studying Chinese....Oh yes, and somewhere in between I have a full time job.