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(#163 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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11-05-2011, 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
1/ Can someone tell me what らしいといえばらしい means?
2/ Just to be sure, the sentence which ends with って感じ describes Masaharu, correct?
3/ Is 様 in the context read as よう?
4/ The verb 閉じる is used when talking about turning off a cell phone regardless of the type, am I right?
5/ Is っちゃ = っては?
6/ Does に向いてそう mean "may be suitable for"?
7/ 競技 here means "competitive sports", doesn't it?
1. It means "He is being as one would expect.". "Masaharu is just being Masaharu-like."

= 「正春らしいと言えば正春らしい」

2. Yes.

3. No. It is read さま but it has nothing to do with the honorific. Look up 「様になる」.

4. Exactly.

5. No. It is short for って言えば.

6. Right.

7. Precisely.

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