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Obba3 (Offline)
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Location: Sweden, Linköping
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11-06-2011, 11:02 AM

I started learning japanese 6 weeks ago and i can write hiragana and katakana.
I can build easy sentences. Like go shoping, asking for direction, presenting others and my self and talk little about me.

On the hearing part i can make sence of fluent speaking japanese because im so used to hear it because i listen alot on japanese music and watch anime alot. So i actually can hear the difference between words. I dont know what it means but i can hear and think. "That is a word, i wonder what it means".

And the speaking... lets say... i have hade English classes in schools since 2nd grade thats 11 years of English classes. And im not fully comfturble speaking it.
But i think thats because i speak it so rarely.

And in my oppinion its hard to train on the speech part. None of my friends can Japanese and the only time i can talk its on my Japanese classes.
Which are 1 and a ½ hour once a week.

I live in Sweden, native speech is Swedish my secound language is English. And im currently study japanese.
Feel free to ask about Sweden if you are interested.

はじめまして、わたしはロバートです よろしくおねが いします。
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