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(#171 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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11-07-2011, 05:39 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Again, I have a few questions on vocabulary.
1/ Does 習い事 in this context mean "course"?
2/ Is 陸上 short for 陸上競技?
3/ 習字 here means "calligraphy", correct?
4/ Does 蘭くんと葵ちゃんが逆だったらよかったのにねえ mean "It'd be great if Ran and Aoi switched places"?
5/ By しないと思う, does the narrator mean he thinks that a childhood friend who is growing up and becoming more feminine everyday would not do things like putting a guy in a headlock or 胸当て?
1. Close. Here it means "the fields that one takes lessons in".

2. Right.

3. Correct.

4. Exactly, because 蘭 exceled in the fields that people tend to think girls would more than boys.

5. Right. I hope, though, that you understand that 「日に日に女らしく成長していく」 part is a joke by 葵 about herself.

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