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(#175 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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11-07-2011, 12:58 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
1/ 蘭ちゃん、意外にアスリート向きなのかもねえ。体重を 増やさずに筋力をアップさせるのって大変なのよ~。ボ クサーの人なんかもそれで苦労してるし。
a/ Does アスリート向き mean "having the aptitude of an athlete"?
b/ By 大変, do the last two lines mean it is difficult to train one's physical strength without increasing one's weight that even boxers have troubles doing that?
a. Right.
b. Exactly.

2/ そして、子どものころから葵と一緒にいろんな習い事を やらされてきたせいか、体に沁みついてしまった立ち振 る舞い。挙措。
a/ I'd like to ask about the nuance of やらされる. Does the narrator mean that someone else (like his mother) made him learn all sort of things with Aoi (although he may not enjoy the activities)?
b/ I looked up 立ち振る舞い and 挙措 in several dictionaries, and the results were "behavior" or "manner" for both. So what do the words actually mean in the sentence?
a. Just as you said. It is usually the parents that "force" their kids to do 習いごと.
b. They both mean the same thing, with the first one being an originally Japanese word as you can tell from the sounds. They both mean "a person's overall behaviors and manners." It includes how one speaks, walks, eats, etc.
The phrase is saying that if you do 習い事 when you are small, it can shape your 立ち振る舞い. It sinks into your body without you noticing it.

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