11-07-2011, 07:47 PM
The terrorists attack the US because they hate freedom and the right to worship God how you choose. They hate that a statue of a women is in New York Harbor. They hate that Women are allowed to drive and run for office in the US. They hate that Jews are free to live life as they please in the US. They hate that a country that lives life completely oppisite of How Allah tells nations to live life, is so completely dominant over Muslim nations, who adhear to Allah's precepts. It's as if the world was upside down to them.
DragonNL; If the US wasn't here they would be attacking you, makeing you submit or die. I don't have to say it, they say it, all over their websites, TV, books and schools. Sometimes you have to tolerate the T-Rex it's due to save the heard from the raptors.