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TayTay (Offline)
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11-08-2011, 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
The stamp will be received before you even get your luggage in Tokyo. Why fly from Tokyo to Osaka when it is much more convenient to take the bullet train?
When I looked up flights to get me to Osaka it just popped up that I'd be stopping in Tokyo then switching planes to get to Osaka. I've never traveled alone before so I didn't really stop to consider other options. I figured since I need to be in Osaka by a certain time and will be nervous it'd be easier to take the flight. Would you suggest taking the bullet train as a better option? Would it be difficult with large luggage?

I think I'll be much more comfortable taking trains and such after I'm done with the tour group I'm meeting in Osaka. I'm sure after they show me the ropes I'll be fine to go off on my own. Until then though...maybe it won't be a good option...? lol!
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