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(#17 (permalink))
SHAD0W (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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11-08-2011, 09:09 PM

1. In which three of the following words and phrases do the から/カラ parts share the same literal meaning?  

からあげ <
カラオケ <
からて <

2. In which words does the しん part mean "new"?

しんかんせん <
しんしゃ <
しんおおさか <
しんぶん <

3. What do the following words mean when they are pronounced with the high pitch accent placed on the syllable in red in Standard Japanese?

Eugh. I'm no good with pitch accents.... I think this needs revisiting. It's not something I've been taught.. more just picked up as I've gone along. I'll have a go, though.

きた North?
きた came?

いま now
いま I don't know another word that's pronounced いま

4. Write the onomatopoeias that you can think of when hearing/seeing these words.

雪 忘れちゃった
風 フウフウ?www

5. What are the onomatopoeias that you most actively use when speaking or wrting in Japanese? 


6. Write the 大和言葉 counterparts of the following Chinese loan words.


I don't even know where to start!

7. What do these two sentences mean?

なんで行くの?  Why will you go?
なにで行くの? How will you go?

Awesome quiz. I totally blew it though. Back to the textbook! Thanks for this, it was really good fun!

I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I said and all the feelings I hurt.. Please forgive me
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