Originally Posted by JohnBraden
As far as maps of Tokyo go, there is no rival. You can find any address on there, even using the mind-boggling system they have, since each block is numbered. You won't regret buying it. There are about 25 pages of larger-sized maps of the main parts you mentioned: Ginza, Maronouchi, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Asauka, Ueno, Ikebukuro, etc and the rest of Tokyo is on the remaining pages in smaller scale, but you still can see every individual block.
All you have to do is learn how the address system works and follow it up with its corresponding area on the map and you'll be set. It lists all the stations and I recommend you d/l the iPhone app "Metro" (Aqua colored circle with an "M" on it in white) You can use it offline to determine what is the best route from station to station. Think of it as a poor man's Hyperdia.
As far as recommending anything else, I don't know what you're looking for, so.... 
I will definitely take your word for it, considering you've been there twice already. Thats pretty amazing.
& I just downloaded the Metro app. I think I have more then enough sources now. You're a life saver! Now I feel like I can go to Kyoto and Osaka and not get lost. Lol
This might sound like a dumb queston, but is the train system in Japan easy to figure out? The only train I take to get around is in New York and I dont know if its the same concept.
I would also recommend getting this
Amazon.com: Getting Around Tokyo Pocket Atlas and Transportation Guide: Includes Yokohama, Kamakura, Yokota, Yokosuka, Hakone and MT Fuji (9784805309650): Boye Lafayette De Mente: Books
I just bought it and it pretty much sums up everything you need to know about Tokyo, the subway system, and the train stations. It also has a good couple of maps.