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(#196 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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11-11-2011, 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Again, can someone tell me the meanings of the words in red? I've looked up the words in dictionary, but I'm still not really sure.

1. カッと目を見開き、覚醒したサクラはへっぽこ発言の撤回を激しく求める

2. 二人の間に、微妙な空気が流れる

3. 優等生の姿を演じ、担任に取り入り、教室の中で自らの居場所を作り出すその手段に安易に 皆騙されていましたが、わたくしだけは違いましたわ

My guess is that 微妙 means "awkward", 担任に取り入り means "gaining the homeroom teacher's favor", and へっぽこ looks like "impudent" to me.
微妙な is really hard to translate. Awkward is one way, but it could also mean like 'complicated' or a delicate situation, or even 'so such and such it can't be described in words'. It's really ambiguous. ^^' I've even seen it translated in some situations as a sort of 'eh, didn't quite do it for me, but it wasn't bad/good per se' sentiment. So really you need to look at the surrounding context and try and feel out what fits.

I'm not sure but へっぽこ+N could be more like 'untrained X' or 'roughX'. like へっぽこ医者 is something like a quack doctor. Or like someone who likes and does something, but unprofessionally and without the full kit, or perhaps just plain isn't very good at it.
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