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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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11-11-2011, 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by munzy View Post
Hello, can you help me to correct this?
Please could you correct my translation please?
I don't know if it's correct, and in some sentences it don't make sense to me ,
thank you in advance for any help

Since the Christmas concert which I was talking about
during the instore (event) it's decided, I'll do an annuncement!

I'll sing changing the arrangements by forming 3 people
I looking forward to it!! (this dont make sense to me in english)
(I don't understand always if it means (I looking forward to it, or please you look forward to it, or it it means it will be fun!! or I can't wait!!) how I can translate it?

予約emailに返信する形で、(shuffle)シャッフルにて整理番� ��をお送りいたします。
携帯emailをご利用の方はドメイン受信設定を解除してく� ��さい
In reply to the email booking form,
we will send the reference number in shuffle arrangement. (correct'?)
please delete?? the domain? ? (this I dont understand)

入場時に整理番号が書かれた携帯email画面またはpc mail をprint outした
at the time of the admission, please print out the pc mail ??? still the mobile written reference number ???

-ささやかではございますが、当日ご来場のお客様にchrist mas presentをご用意しております。

sasayaka? ?? even if it's modest, are prepared a christmas present for/to (に)the day guest that will attended that day?

please wait one turn/or momerandum? asking to the direct 's store?

Thank you so much in advance m(_ _)m
Since we've decided to do the Christmas concert we talked about when we were in-store, we're announcing it!

Different from the band's usual sound, we're changing it to a four-part arrangement and singing it. Look forward to it!

As a response to the reservation email, we will send out reference numbers randomized.

In using cell phone email, please turn off trusted domain enforcement (I think this is what that means—I think it has to do with cell phone email blocking certain email senders, "domein jushin settei").

At the time of admission, please have the reference number on your cell phone screen or printed out from PC mail. That's how we're doing tickets.

It's nothing special, but we're preparing a christmas present for the guests who come that day.

Please refrain from contacting the store directly with questions.

====some translation remarks====
インストの時に話していたCHRISTMASライブが決定したので 発表します!
インストの時に話していた = we talked about at the time of in-store [performance]
christmasライブ = christmas concert, so
"the christmas concert we talked about at the time of in-store [performance]"
決定した = decided
ので = because
発表します = we announce

いつものbandサウンド = the band's sound as it always is
と違って = different from
4人編成 = 4 person editing/change/compilation
アレンジを変えて = changed to an arrangement
歌います = we sing

予約emailに返信する形で、(shuffle)シャッフルにて整理番� ��をお送りいたします。
する形で = in the manner of
予約email = reservation email
に返信 = response, so "in the manner of response to reservation email"
シャッフルにて = using shuffle, or by shuffle/randomization, or randomly
整理番号 = number that is arranged and assigned to you, set up for this purpose, whatever
お送りいたします humble form of "to send"

携帯emailをご利用の方はドメイン受信設定を解除してく� ��さい
携帯email = cell phone email
ご利用 = honorofic form of "to use"
ドメイン受信設定 = already talked about this in the translation
解除してください = please lift the ban (kanji note: here 解 has to do with openness and 除 has to do with an exclusion, so 解除する = to lift/cancel a ban)

入場時に整理番号が書かれた携帯email画面またはpc mail をprint outしたものをご提示ください。
入場時 = entrance time
書かれた = is written (passive form of "to write")
画面 = screen
または = or
ご提示 = honorofic form of "to show/present"

simple sentence

-ささやかではございますが、当日ご来場のお客様にchrist mas presentをご用意しております
ささやか = humble, simple, modest
でございます = humble form of です
当日 = the day we're talking about right now/"that day"
来場 = coming-to place
お客様 = honorific form of "guests"
ご用意 = honorific form of "to prepare"
おる = humble form of いる

Question for a native speaker:
Now, this actually confuses me, and I'd love to get a native's opinion. At the end, it should be 利用しております without the prefatory ご honorific, right? Did the authors use erroneous keigo at the end by adding a 尊敬語 prefix to a 謙譲語 verb construction? Basically it's like they're lifting up their own preparation, which is not correct usage, or am I misunderstanding something?


Last edited by KyleGoetz : 11-11-2011 at 06:32 PM.
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