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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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11-11-2011, 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by munzy View Post
over the top poeticy? Why you think so?
I take causal text from my friend's diary notes, so it's not on internet! I just use other people's sentences to translate to become better in translation and try to understand...

over the top of poeticy... I wonder how to capture these feelings from sentences.. I cannot see it this
I'm just saying that if the English translation were the original language, people would say it looks like a young person with an image in his head of what good writing is supposed to look like, trying to imitate it. Perhaps a bit too hard.

I wouldn't have been so critical if I knew it was just a random diary writing. I thought it came from a pop song or something. And I think most pop music is just a string of cliches and vapid expressions.

It's OK for a random person to write like this, but I don't think it's OK for someone who makes millions of dollars a year to write like that.

So please forgive me for my criticism.
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