1. In which
three of the following words and phrases do the から/カラ parts share the same literal meaning?
からあげ = 唐揚げ = Literally, "Chinese fry". 「唐」 means "China (Korea included)"
カラオケ = "empty orchestra"
カラーコピー = "color copy"
だから = "therefore, thus, so"
からて = "empty hand"
げきから = "super spicy"
![Red Heart](images/smilies/heart08.gif)
」 = "Please don't tease me, Masa-sa~n!"
」 = "Holy smoke! Our house is empty!" = It has been looted.
2. In which words does the しん part mean "new"?
しんかんせん = 新幹線
しんぱい = 心配
しんしゃ = 新車
どくしん = 独身
しんおおさか = 新大阪
しんぶん = 新聞
The four words with 「新」 in them.
3. What do the following words mean when they are pronounced with the high pitch accent placed on the syllable
in red in Standard Japanese?
かり(狩り) = hunting
り(借り) = what one owes to another, a debt
きた(来た) = came
た(北) = north
いま(今) = now
ま(居間) = a living room
4. Write the onomatopoeias that you can think of when hearing/seeing these words.
雨: しとしと、パラパラ、ザーザー、ジャージャー
雪: しんしん、はらはら、こんこん、ふわふわ
風: ピューピュー、ヒューヒュー、さわさわ、ざわざ わ
5. What are the onomatopoeias that you most actively use when speaking or wrting in Japanese?
No "correct" answers here, obviously.
Your (spoken) Japanese will sound much more natural if you use onomatopoeias once in a while. If you can use them correctly, you will appear to be thinking in Japanese rather than painfully translating word by word from your native language.
6. Write the 大和言葉 counterparts of the following Chinese loan words.
現在 = 今
身体 = からだ
生活 = 暮らし(くらし)
For those who fail to see the importance of this linguistic phenpmenon in Japanese, think about how you would use the words "chat", "talk" and "converse" in your life. Their "meaning" may be the same but you certainly would not consider these words to be completely interchangeable for all occasions, would you? The same goes for Japanese.
7. What do these two sentences mean?
なんで行くの? = Why are you going? = asking for the reason
なにで行くの? = How are you going? = asking for the method of transport