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11-20-2011, 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by Cyrus View Post
It's kind of stupid to judge them when they didn't even know what information to depend on in terms of radiation dangers and what not. Rumours had been circling around at the time that the Japanese government was just trying to cover up the scale of the disaster.

They had the option to leave because they had another home to go to. The Japanese people probably didn't stay because they like Japan MORE than the foreigners, it's just that the Japanese people don't have another home to go back to.

what stupid is to put people's lives in stake just to protect your own reputation... and for people who lived under the shade of a government, they should trust it... unless they experienced something bad from it, (which should make them leave when they were in peace, in the 1st place) ๎Ž๎Ždon't you think?!!

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Mohamed (P.B.U.H)
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