Originally Posted by acjama
Sorry to sound inhumanly analytic, but this thread is interestingly one-sided. I still haven't crasped the need to hate and despise flyjins.
About 10% of the Japanese staff in my company fled to relatives in the west, but none of the foreigners. This was because like me, they have no other home anymore. Relatives, yes, but no home.
Anyway, I heard a rumour (hence no links to corraborate) that for every flyjin there were ten Japanese who fled west. What about those (if assumed true)?
The question was one-sided so I don't see anything interesting about the answers being one-sided as well. If the question was "how do you feel about everyone who left..." and the answers were one-sided then I would agree it was interesting.
As for the rumor, I find the numbers a bit hard to believe (1 to 10 seems like a lot) but I do find it believable that there were Japanese that left if they had somewhere else to go.