Originally Posted by delacroix01
Thanks again for the confirmation, masaegu.
I have a few more questions, if you don't mind.
1. 「ババを引いたな、女。同情はしない」
What does ババを引く usually mean?
2. 横浜町田付近に到着。
I need some information about 横浜町田. Is it a place in Yokohama?
3. そっちも考えなきゃ調べることだらけで間に合わない! !!
This line looks unclear to me. Can you tell me what the guy means?
4. とんだハジをかいてしまった!
a/ Is とんだ = とんでもない?
b/ Does ハジをかく mean "to lose face"?
1. Good question. In Japan, the card game "Old Maid" is called
ババ抜き. 「ババを引く」 means "to pull the joker" in the card game and you have a good chance of losing if you pull the joker late in the game. In real life, it means "to become very unlucky".
2. No. It means "around Yokohama or Machida". Those are two separate cities that are close to each other.
3. Pretend you see a period right after 考えなきゃ. This should solve your problem.
4a. Yes.
4b. Exactly.