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(#225 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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11-24-2011, 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Nebelherz View Post
Can anyone helping me explaining this. I have this sentence: おむすびと かきの たねを とりかえっこ しようよ 。 (I know it means: Let`s trade the Musbi with the kakiseed.) But what is とりかえっこ for a conjugation? (I mean the ending っこ . What does it makes to the verb and how do I build it)
Good question!

There is no conjugation involved in とりかえっこ. It is a noun.

「こ」(often becomes 「っこ」) is a suffix attached to the conjunctive form of a verb or another word to form a noun that describes an action performed among a group of people (mostly children, but not always) as an informal kind of a game.

とりかえっこ You give me A and I'll give you B.
かけっこ a running race
にらめっこ a game in which two people stare at each other and/or do funny faces to make the other laugh. First one to burst into laughter loses.

The verbs used in these are:

Simply take the conjunctive form and add 「っこ」. にらめっこ is exceptional. We do not say にらみっこ.

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Last edited by masaegu : 11-24-2011 at 05:01 PM.
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