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(#10 (permalink))
tokusatsufan (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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11-26-2011, 11:44 PM

Originally Posted by ryuurui View Post
I do not watch TV since i was 18, which was 18 years go. TV, in 99%, is a complete waste of time.
Well I can see a lot of variety shows in Japan don't seem to be that good[I mean I saw one program over there where they were planning to set a mousetrap] but at least you don't have some of the rubbish we have over here. Japan doesn't buy formats like the X Factor,it's only bought things like Deal or No Deal. If I were to make a Japanese version of Big Brother for example [Because I do actually like the spectacle of the launch nights and finals] I would have to change a few things. You have a certain quality control,I mean we do too but people have different tastes.

But surely 99% is going a bit far? You have dramas,taiga dramas,anime and tokusatsu[which I'll admit isn't always good],you have a lot of genres in Japan,whereas it's only occasionally we get something really good like the Sarah Jane Adventures in Britain. Although I am still proud to be British of course.

There is a lot of good TV and a lot of bad TV. It depends on your outlook.

Last edited by tokusatsufan : 11-26-2011 at 11:46 PM.
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