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11-27-2011, 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by LisaJD View Post
Firstly, what is the intended meaning of 私ね?
I am going to make the guess that the ? is part of your question and not what was said.
Without context it is hard to pinpoint what was meant specifically, but it is most likely clarifying that the subject is the speaker. "I mean myself" or "I am talking about me".
If it is the beginning of something, like "私ね、そういうの嫌いです" or the like, it is along the lines of "You know, I (such-and-such)".

If the question mark was included in the original, then "me, right?"

It all depends on context.

Secondly what does イギリスの学校のことの mean?
An incomplete sentence, but chances are a 話 followed.
"The (whatever comes after) about school in England". If my guess is right and 話 is the next word in the sentence, it would be a broad "about school in England" - perhaps there are plans in the future for an exchange? Or you are inviting them to come and go to school there?

What is そうしたら?
And then, or after that happens.

I usually wouldn't translate a sentence without an attempt from the asking person, but I think this is one that is hard to understand for learners.
"I have to wait until I turn 16 in December."

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.

Last edited by Nyororin : 11-27-2011 at 01:27 AM.
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