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sweetokyo (Offline)
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Location: Tokyo
11-27-2011, 04:31 AM

Originally Posted by JohnBraden View Post
I wish! I was sent to Japan in 1987-1989 as part of the US Air Force. I was in intelligence gathering there. Then there was a Japan drought until March 2005 when I went again, as a tourist. The third time I was there was October 2010 and I am headed back there March 2012 and hopefully October 2013....

And yes, the exchange rate was from 150s to 130s to a dollar. It was heaven! But in the 70s it was more like 300 to a dollar. Unfortunately, we'll never see that again! In March 2005 it was about 100:1 and Oct. 2010 it was about 85:1.... I doubt we'll be seeing 100:1 anymore....
Thats still a good amount of times to visit there. When I graduate, I'll be going every year.
So, going there over a period of time, did you learn to speak Japanese by communicating?

I don't have a facebook.

Last edited by sweetokyo : 11-27-2011 at 04:53 AM.
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