11-27-2011, 11:15 PM
No, not some rebel with a ak, we destroyed entire armies based on Soviet tactics and soviet gear. Crushed them in a matter of hours. You can take from it what you like, doesn't matter to me either way. Russia won't attack US and everybody knows it, so Med's little speech was just blowing smoke.
Term; Iran is full of crazies who believe they are the Harbringer of the end days and to achieve that end they must bring about world war, think about it for a little while at least. this isn't a nation who seeks "national interests" they meerly wish to bring about the return of the Mahadi as soon as possible.
Evanny; Grade point average in college was 3.5, graduated with honors in my field. Plus, I'm ex army Desert Storm vet, I actually worked with some of this equipment I'm talking about. Yes, I do think American military is best in world bar none. So?