11-28-2011, 07:17 PM
Her name is Sachiko or Sacchan for short.
2.おんなのこのあだなはなんといいますか。 あだな = a nickname
Oh lol. As above.
3.おんなのこはなぜじぶんのことを(answer for #2)とよぶのですか。
They call her Sacchan because she's so tiny. Funny, isn't it?
I had to listen to this a few times to make sure I was right. She really likes bananas. Wait, are you wanting answers in Japanese? Is that why you wanted full sentence answers?
バナナが半分しか食べられない。, かわいそうですね。
遠くへいってしまいました。 さびしいな~ さっちゃ んw
とてもすてきな歌、 それ。 今回もおもしろいクイ ズだな。 楽しかった
I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I said and all the feelings I hurt.. Please forgive me