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XRaptor (Offline)
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Location: Washington, US
11-28-2011, 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by loismcbee View Post
I am really happy to read your posting because you seem to like Japan very much. If you want to my help or something, I would like to help you. I like anime, too. You know most Japanese people like anime, manga, novel, and something like that, but they are not otaku. Even though we never think you are otaku you like them. Because of our great culture, right? Don't worry about anything especially when you talk with me. I DON'T CARE about anything! when you ask something, you should be relax Maybe I will be able to answer to your every asking. I hope I will be good friend for you.

I see. you can't use Skype until Saturday. Do you belong to army? I am interested in army because we don't have one. I really like "Call of Duty" series. There is no rush and keep your pace!

I want to talk with you, and I want to fix my English when I make mistake it. Then I want to learn another language after I acquire English.

Now do you have some questions about Japanese?

And, uh, one more thing. You ought to use Japanese with English sentences to talk with me. I will be able to fix your grammar and sentence even paragraph.
Can you send me E-mail ?
Thank you for your reading

My email address : [email protected]
My skype ID : reay3.30(name=palmtop tiger)
へー、マジで?!シアトルに勉強してる?僕もシアトル に住んでる!!留学生としてどの大学へ通ってる?

........................   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
..      ∧_∧   < やばい、これ~!!
     (´_ゝ`) ....\________
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Last edited by XRaptor : 11-28-2011 at 11:58 PM.
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