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Nyororin (Offline)
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11-29-2011, 12:53 AM

My opinion;

Are you a baker?
Baking on a large scale is a LOT different than home baking. You may be comfortable kneading the amount you will eat at home... But how about the variety and volume required for a store? Yes, there are machines that can help, but that would be a very large investment if you are unsure of your success.

Are you able to make the other ingredients?
Anpan is only as good as the quality of the an. Curry pan is only as good as the curry. And so on...

Personally, I see these things as a very niche market. Japanese style breads are not what people outside Japan typically link to "Japanese food". People looking to eat something Japanese or Asian are very unlikely to choose a Japanese style bakery... And people who want to buy bread are unlikely to take the risk of a Japanese bakery.

A regular bakery offering a few Japanese style breads, or a Japanese restaurant offering bread would probably be more likely to attract customers.

While the idea is an interesting one, you would need to do some serious market research in the area you plan to open.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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