Originally Posted by masaegu
質 問:
1.私の友人の父親は現在どのような状況にありますか 。また、どんなところに住んでいますか。
2.私は「マンション」と「一軒家」ではどんな事が違 うと言っていますか。
5.友人からのメールで私自身の私の実家の状況に対す る考えは変わりましたか。
6.私は自分の実家の「ドアのない状況」について、そ こに住んでいた頃どう思っていましたか。
すみませんですが私にとって日本語でよく説明を書くに くい、英語で答えました。(>。>);
1) I think your friend is worried about his father? He lives alone and doesn't go out much.
2) If an old person lives in a 'mansion' apartment it's important for them to go out, but even more so if they live in an isolated place?
3) The door is rarely closed. There's always people coming and going, so it's less like a modern door and more like an old style sliding door.
4) Relatives and people from the neighbourhood. Some have lived nearby for more than 50 years. They come to drink tea, gossip and share problems.
5) You thought before that your parent's lifestyle meant that they had no privacy and had a slightly negative view, but now you think that it's good that they have a lifestyle where they are close to their community?
6) Maybe you'll try inviting more people to your house.