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masaegu (Offline)
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12-01-2011, 05:12 AM

I am with Nyoririn on this. I've lived in Nagoya for nearly 20 years and in Tokyo for another 20. In the sheer variety of day-trip and weekend-trip destinations, Nagoya wins by a landslide.

From Tokyo (and this is the same with Osaka), whichever direction you go for an hour by land, you will still be in the middle of the same Kanto (or Kansai) culture, hearing the silimar accent, eating the same types of food, talking to the people with the similar cultural backgrounds.

Nagoya is totally different in this aspect for its central geographic location. You get the best of both worlds on short train rides

No one who knows anything about Japanese history will say that Nagoya has no tradition, either. That is just ludicrous. Where did you think Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu even come from?

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