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munzy (Offline)
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Posts: 172
Join Date: Nov 2009
12-02-2011, 12:31 PM

Thank you so much!

Instead of open new topic, I think I'll ask here when I have doubts.
I find another form that I never saw before in my translations:

I never do things as dance... (I don't have idea how to translate)

try to take a look ok... (mite + mitekudasai) why there's 2 times the word mite?

And when a title of an entry diary have something like this:
"ROMANTICの" (from ROMANCE)(end with "の" but it's not a question) how could be interpreted?

(As: "from ROMANTIC")? or "about ROMANTIC"? or "on ROMANTIC"?
context "it was presenting a new flyer for an event. the title start in that way with 'no' final.

Thanks again for help!

Last edited by munzy : 12-02-2011 at 03:12 PM.
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