Originally Posted by undertheteatree
Well, since I'm no physics or chemistry expert, what do you think? It would help greatly if you are confident in your knowledge, or have read articles from a variety of sources.
I think you should accept there *are* possible ramifications from this disaster and then make your decision on that. Is the risk-to-reward ratio appealing enough or not? It's your life and if any of us direct you wrong and you do get any type of radioactive type sickness down the road well guess what: The likelihood of you being in contact with any of us at that time is very small and even if you are the answer you are going to get is "oops, I was wrong. I'm sorry that you have 3 eyes now."
However, I would go with experts' opinions (meaning people with notable reference and not us good-hearted, anonymous Japan Forum users.) In the end, it's still going to be an opinion based decision since you'll have to make the decision based on your opinion of which side's expert's "facts" make the most sense to you.