I am currently on first year studying Japanese. So far I have learned Hiragana and Katakana. Even from the little bit of knowledge I have acquired so far. I think it'd be really confusing not to have Kanji. A lot of the Senior students say that Kanji really does make reading a lot easier.
There is a certain degree of time and investment you must make to learn each Kanji, but I think it's worth it in the end.
Many words in Japanese can be written down in Katakana and Hiragana in the exact same way, or would sound exactly the same (without the accentuation or intonation).
So I guess it would be sorta like Where and Wear? and They're, Their, and There. If they were all written the same way it would be based on context to figure out what it means right?
Not sure about you, but I think it'd add a lot of confusion into the reading system if you were to eliminate Kanji.
I also think Kanji has a really artistic concept to it too! The Japanese did import the Chinese characters, but I think they made it their own. It's unique and I think they should keep it