Thread: Tattoo help!
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RKitagawa (Offline)
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12-06-2011, 05:41 AM

So I've decided I am going with this tattoo for sure now. i do have one last question however. for the second sentence:
ときどきぼくにはそれがただひとつ の正しい行為であるように思える。

It's too long to write in one line. Where do you think would be a good place to break it up? I've been trying different things, but I don't know where a natural place to start a new line would be... Maybe something like:


or maybe:


Again, I don't know if either of these look awkward to the native speaker or not, but I do need to break up that sentence into two lines. It just doesn't fit on one line, due to the length of it.
Also, I don't know much about writing Japanese vertically, but that's also a possibility. what do you guys think?
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