Thread: Japanese Ladies
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JohnBraden (Offline)
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12-07-2011, 02:05 AM

Originally Posted by RustyBlackleford View Post
This is how I deal with it. People should be informed. I don't have any reason to serve my adversaries except for fear of force, and in general, blacks just aren't as welcomed in Japan as other races are, aside from women. Even if I were a good-looking Black guy, I'd be tiers below good-looking Whites, Hispanics, etc., and probably even tiers below bad-looking ones. This is what my entire life has to offer, and this is how I choose to deal with it since WROL is not yet upon us.
Continue you self-deprecating views and you'll get nowhere.... Worse still, you might be one of those who end up on the 10 o'clock news after shooting up a store of some kind because you are unhappy with the cards you've been dealt and find you need to take it out on someone....

If you can't find any redeeming quality within you and all you see is what the mirror reflects, then I'd suggest you get professional help. This is definitely not a healthy way to live your life....

....and stop thinking about Japan as a vacation destination of any kind....

Last edited by JohnBraden : 12-07-2011 at 02:10 AM.