Thread: Japanese Ladies
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(#35 (permalink))
RustyBlackleford (Offline)
Posts: 37
Join Date: Dec 2011
12-07-2011, 05:05 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Here's an out of the blue question that might shed some light, or not. RustyBlackleford. They have maped several DNA sequences and thus far have shown that whites and asians have anywhere from 1 to 4% Neanderthal DNA while Africans, and I mean from the continant that havent been mixed yet. have none.

Is it possible that the DNA markers presuppose, on a subconcious level, who would be attracted to who? Perhaps that explains why Asians and caucasians intermix more easily than blacks and whites or asians an blacks?
It is quite possible. DNA probably explains why Blacks have not been able to independently build or maintain high-tech societies like Whites and Asians. Whether it is society, genetic, or societal based on genetics, facts are facts and they hurt regardless of the reasons why. If the reason is genetics-based, then that means that there is absolutely no point in trying to change things. It doesn't behoove Blacks to even try to intermix with people that generally do not want us.

That doesn't explain why I'm attracted to Japanese girls though, sine they have different genetics. Maybe it's a subconscious desire to have superior offspring? I like them because I find them attractive, and I hate them because they don't find me attractive. sure, it may sound like whinging, but it is what it is and I am within my rights. My solution is to just leave them alone since they want nothing to do with me and watching whites, latinos, etc have fun when i can't just adds more misery to my life, and makes the white man's victory even sweeter for him (I've read and listened to numerous conversations where White guys love the fact that they can get Japanese girls easily AND the Japanese dislike Blacks).

Last edited by RustyBlackleford : 12-07-2011 at 05:09 AM.