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Hikikomori (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 39
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: 千葉県、東金市
Hello! *self introduction* - 12-08-2011, 09:13 AM

I have been a member here since I was 17 or something, but at that time I was just trying to find a way to get to Japan, so I didn't do anything here but read.
Now I'm actually living in Japan, so I thought it would be fun to get active on this forum and share experiences with people at give/get advice and so on. So here I go:

Im a Norwegian girl, 21years old.
I have been watching anime since I was 15, and wantet to go to Japan ever since, seraching desperately for a way to get here, and in the end I made it.
I'm taking a bachelor in Japanese at The university of Oslo, so then I studied Japanese for 1 year, before I went to Japan for 5 months as an exchange student. Then I went home to Norway, studied Japanese for 5 months, and then I came back to Japan again September this year, and I'm going to stay for one year. I have big plans about transfer and then graduate from the uni in Japan, so then I'll probably stay 2 extra years.

So right now I'm living in my own apartment, in a small city called Togane 1,5 hour north/east(?) from Tokyo. And I'm enjoying life.
I don't have a job in Japan, since I havent got the JLPT N2 license yet, but I just took the exam, so in february I get the result, and if I passed, I have plans about changing my visa so that I can have a part-time job in Japan.

I'm in the surf club and the kickboxing club at school, and its really fun!
When I'm home, I usually just sit on the computer, watching anime or practicing the guitar(i suck).

Strong points: Self reflected and apologize if I realize I have done something bad, my Japanese(speaking, I'm not any good with kanji and tests...I write just like I speak話し言葉)

Weak point: getting obsessed with things easily, resulting in getting tired of it easily , use too much money on ebay and on cainz home, donki hote and at konbini and generally, using to much money on stuff i really don't need, resulting in not having enough money to do what i really want to do...

Okei, guess this is enough....


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