Job opportunities/Living in Japan -
12-10-2011, 01:12 AM
Hello Everyone,
First of all I would like to explain my situation and then ask for some input.
Currently I'm a Canadian fourth year student at my university studying Asian Language and Culture, specializing in Japanese.
My classes consist of Asian Studies, Computer Science, and Japanese.
I'm slowly approaching the end of my University career but I feel like i've just been cruising along this entire time...
I am probably going to graduate with a bachelor of arts degree with the degree above... however I'm not even sure if this will help me find a job?
My Japanese fluency level is N2 and I'm going to be taking the N1 next year, however I think i'm somewhere between the two.
I've studied Japanese for 6 years and I've been to Japan countless of times, including a one year studied abroad semester last year.
I can also fluently speak English since I was born in Canada as well as I am able to speak Cantonese since my parents are Chinese.
I'm currently 21 years old, and am sort of worried about the age-situation when job-hunting in Japan in the future.
My original plan was to graduate and apply for the JET program, but it seems so competitive so I might not have a chance to do that.
I really want to work in Japan in the future in terms of not just teaching English but doing other work as well for long-term.
So after two years, I would like to enter a company and use computer science to some sort of extent. I have a passion for computers and am knowledgeable in that field, but the computer science courses I have taken at my university have really made me dislike coding, so I was hoping to be a general IT somewhere assisting the workers?... Is there even such a job?
To put it short, I want to live in Japan.
However lately this reality and wanting of doing it is decreasing.
I guess I'm not really sure even what I want to do with life, but I just wanted to ask a few questions.
1. What is your opinion on this situation?
2. Do you think my degree can get me a job in Japan?
3. Do you recommend me to take any tests?
4. If I work for JET for 2 years (as I planned to) is it going to be possible to find a job in Japan after 2 years?...
5. ((Back to the age concern)) since if I decide to do JET for 2 years, that would make me 23 or 24 in the future when I do job hunting, will this look bad on my resume being 24 against other Japanese graduates who are only 21 or 22?
6. Do you think I should do JET or go directly find a job in japan? Why do you think this way?
Thank you all for your time in reading this and I hope for some insightful opinions and suggestions.
Also-- if this was the wrong place to post it, please redirect me and I will repost this!
Thank you again!
Last edited by Custard : 12-10-2011 at 02:37 AM.