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(#25 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
12-10-2011, 05:02 AM

Stereotypes exist because enough folks fit the aspect. Dumb Jock for instance or bespeckled nerd in a lab coat. The thing is, not every guy with classes is a nerd or works at a lab and not every athletic person is dumb.

Stereotypes are similer to arch types. Archtypes are used in liturature and theatre because it's easy to utilize as a framework for a character. The knight in shineing armor or Damsel in distess or the nefarious mustache twirrling bad guy. Those are all archtypes. Cultures may be built on archetype creation. Sparta creating the super soldier for example. However, this doesn't allways have to be the case.

RustyBlacklerford; white european cultures for thousands of years have worked around violence and warfare. Barbarians and empires confroting each other constantly, sometimes barbaric empire against barbaric empire. It's mostly because the populations were constantly fighting for limited agricultural land and resources.. Winter comes early in northern Europe and survival of the family or tribe more often than not ment looting somebody elses house.

Africa has it's share of violent history, but not the constant changeing of hot and cold wich could account for some of the differences in cultural exstreams. Whites didn't treat black folk any different than they treated each other historically speaking. You should check out how Germans and Swiss and Austrians, French, British and that whole lot treated each other way before they knew Africa was even a continant.

Point of interest, the idea of being dissed and getting all up in your grill. That's not an African thing traditionally. American blacks learned that behavior from the Scottish and Irish immigrants that lived around them, they are very clannish and saveing "face" and not looking weak is a strong driveing force amoung many of them, look at the Hatfields and McCoys. That's an irony for you.
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