12-11-2011, 06:04 AM
MMM, it does, not as pronounced perhaps, and true there is less of it than there has been in the past. However, it is a fact of life that people who appear the same hang out together, socialize together and tend to find the same interests together.
I'll give an example. The producer of Bablyon 5 noticed that the actors who played various "alien races" would hang together, eat at the same tables to gether and generally avoid contact with any other group of "aliens". He thought this was interesting so decided to test something, he swaped out a person who had been "Narn" for 6 weeks and made them into a "Menbari". That very day the person who was now "Menbari" hung out with other Menbari, ate at the tables as other menbari and avoided contact with Narns...this, despite all his actual friends being "Narns", those were the people he had formed relationships with.
Didn't matter, he was now "Menbari" and that's who he associated with.
I suspect it's more acient genetics, combined with tribalism and the fear of unknown things. Doesn't make it right or wrong so much as normal human behavior, we don't trust strangers, specially ones who look different from us.
RustyBlackleford; I'm conservitive, tea party more really. I don't hate blacks, even dated some black girls in college. Truth be told, I find that girls, reguardless of wether they are black, white or asian. Have far more in common with other girls, than they do with respective races.
What I do find unsettleing is the attitude that some blacks seem to think whites "owe" them something because of slavery and should pay "restitution" and the like. My forfathers came to the US in the 1880's, 20 years after the civil war. The only slaves they might have had, would have been centuries before and they woulda been white. I don't personally, nor does my family owe blacks anything. Plus, considering how many whites died in the civil war, restitution has been payed for, in blood.
I'm also ex army, far as I'm concerned there's only one "color" in America, and that's the stars and stripes. I served with all races and we didn't care, I had thier back and they had mine. We were American and that's all there was too it. It might behoove the US government to reinstate the draft and have everyone serve two years, might do them a world of good.